Our mission is to create community in the world at every level of human interaction.  We create authentic community by offering Racial Healing Workshops and using the tools of connection, education, truth-telling, and shared humanity.

  • Connection is that state where, we can accept and transcend our differences and work together with a sense of unusual safety and extraordinary respect.
  • We educate ourselves about our history and the conscious and unconscious beliefs that motivate our behavior.
  • Our communication is characterized by truth-telling and deep levels of integrity.
  • True community occurs when we choose to see the value in every human being.

Since the summer of 2020 we have developed and offered The Racial Healing Workshops, as our main process for creating community. Workshop participants learn and practice communication skills to help interact across differences. They explore and challenge beliefs about race and difference, and they build relationships across racial, religious, gender, and political identities. Click on the Contact Form to arrange for a conversation with Facilitator Paula Williams for more information and to sign up.


Those who have registered and participated in one or more Racial Healing or Bridge Building Workshops are invited to join the Racial Healing Facebook Group.  You can request to join the Facebook group here.

Posts to this site will be monitored, and any post that does not comply with our Communications Guidelines will be removed.

There is a wealth of material available on racial equity and social justice issues. We have collected many of them and made them available to you in this Resource List.  If you have additional items to add, please post them on the Community page under the Events and Resources topic.